This webpage illustrates minimal usage of a Debts & Credits Recording module, which is part of my larger bookkeeping app, Tradepally. I recently exposed the module for use in another project via an API and decided to put up a glimpse here. The module's full functionality includes more indebt operations, like: linking debtor to creditor and vice versa, and linking either of them to other users on the platform, who can then assent to txns meant for them - thereby adding a layer of legitimacy, among other features. The complete code for this project is at This GitHub Repo.

Example Profile

ID: 4103DCP20256990

Item Value
Name Test API DC Profile
Currency Naira (₦)
Created On Mon, 25-Mar-2024
Created Via Public A P I
Debtors 2
Creditors 2
Transactions 4
Transactions Worth 90,000.00
Current Receivable 5,000.00
Current Payable 65,000.00

Debtors & Creditors

All the items displayed via the Debtors and Creditors buttons below were added using the API - for the example profile.

You can add new ones via the Add Debtor and Add Creditor buttons to test it for yourself.

Debtors Creditors Add Debtor Add Creditor


There can be Debt, Credit, Debt Payment, and Credit Payment transactions. A debt txn represents money you receive from a creditor and credit txn represents money you give to a debtor.

And on the flip side, a debt payment txn reps payment you make to a creditor and credit payment reps payment a debtor makes to you.

Transactions Add Transaction